Figure 1-2. Engine Generator Set, Left Rear, Three Quarter View
b. Engine. The engine is a liquid-cooled, 6 cylinder, valve-in-
head, 4 stroke cycle, turbo-charged, diesel engine.
c. Generator. The 400 Hz generator is a 60 KW, brushless,
air-cooled rotating field generator.
d. Generator. The 50/60 Hz generator is a 50/60KW,
brushless, air-cooled rotating field generator.
1-4. Identification and Tabulated Data.
a. Identification. The generator set has data and instructional
plates located throughout the set. Figure 1-3 locates these
plates, and figures 1-4 through 1-20 illustrate their content. In-
struction plates for kits are located in figure 1-21, and figures 1-22
through 1-24 illustrate their content.
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