TM 5-6115-465-34
TO 35C2-3-446-2
NAVFAC P-8-625-34
T M 06858B/06859D-34
(d) Insure exciter rotor is positioned
( h ) Drain the core for a m i n i m u m of
so that lead holes are equal distance on each side
30 minutes.
of lead slot in rotor shaft.
(i) Place the core in an oven and heat to
a temperature of 302F (150C). Cure at this
temperature for a minimum of 16 hours.
field (18) through exciter rotor (12).
( 3 1 ) If damage to the exciter stator is dis-
(f) Mount exciter rotor (12) onto
c o v e r e d at inspection and test, rewind in accor-
rotor shaft and secure with lockwasher (11)
a n d screws (10). Torque screws to 60 pounds-
( 3 2 ) Vacuum impregnate bobbins in accor-
dance with step (28) above prior to installing on
Remove only one diode at a time
(33) If damage to the exciter rotor is noted
at inspection and test, rewind in accordance with
(g) Install rectifies (13) and torque
( 3 4 ) After winding the rotor, vacuum pres-
t o 28 pounds-inch. Connect leads to rectifiers
sure impregnate as directed in step (30) above.
a n d solder in accordance with established pro-
(35) Replace all worn or damaged parts and
parts which fail to meet inspection requirerments.
(6), and screws (5).
d. Assembly.
( i ) Connect electrical leads (3) and
(1) Assemble stator assembly as follows:
(j) Install lug (4) on electrical lead (3).
frame assembly (5).
(k) Temporarily install balance weights
(15 and 9) and screws (14 and 8).
(b) Install lead bushing (3) and secure
with lockwasher (2) and screws (1). Torque
(1) Balance rotor and balance assembly
screws to 17 lbs-ft.
(paragraph c.(25) above).
(2) Assembly lead block assembly as follows:
( m ) Remove screws, lockwashers, and
( a ) Assemble blocks (6 and 6, figure
5-40) and pressure plates (4).
(n) Coat screws with Loctite, Grade C
( n o known government specification) and allow
(b) Install with screWS (3), lockwashers
to dry.
(2) and nuts (1). Do not tighten.
(o) Install balance weights, lockwashers,
(3) Assemble rotor and balance assembly as
and screws. Torque screws to 31 lb-ft.
( p ) Tach weld screws and single hole
weights to prevent movement.
in an oven for 3.0 to 3.5 hours at 356.0F (180.0C).
(q) Install blower wheel (31, figure
( b ) Install key (17) into slot of rotor
5 - 3 6 ) ;
coupling disc (30), pressure plate (29),
shaft (16).
lock plate (28) with screws (27).
(r) Torque screw to 75 lbs-ft, and bend
Wear asbestor gloves when handling heat-
lock tab of lock plate (28) against flat of screw.
ed rotor. Serious burns may result from
failure to observe this warning.
(s) Using 5/8 in. bolts and nub, tempor-
arily fasten coupling disc to blower.
(4) Assemble end bell assembly as follows:
D o not use press which contacts core
w i n d i n g s . Press only on core lamina-
to end bell. Insuring electrical leads are lined with
lead opening.
( c ) Remove heated r o t o r c o r e f r o m
oven and press onto rotor shaft until firmly seated
(b) Secure with lockwashers and screws.
a g a i n s t shoulder. D o n o t a l l o w k e y t o p r o j e c t
more than 0.12 inch on either side of rotor.
Change 9