NAVFAC P-8-625-34
T . O . 35C2-3-446-2
TM 06858B/06859D-34
Fault Locating Indicator, Exploded View (Sheet 2 of 2)
Figure 4-7.
Table 4-1.
(b) Inspect Indicator fights for cracked
or damaged lens, defective lamp, and corroded or
damaged base.
(c) Inspect fuse holder assembly for
cracked or damaged cap, defective fuse, and burned,
cracked or corroded fuse holder.
(d) Inspect, test, or reset switch for
cracks, corrosion, and evidence of shorting.
switch using flgure 4-8 as a guide.
(5) Inspect component board assembly for
burned components, damaged wires and cracked or
broken board.
(6) Test individual components of component
ohms. Replace relay if defective.
(9) Visually inspect fault locating wiring har-
ness connector for cracks, corrosion, and loose or
damaged pins.
Disconnect one lead to component being
(10) Check individual wires for corroded or
tested to avoid erroneous test readings.
damaged terminals, burned insulation and other
(7) If any circuit board component must be
replaced or encapsulating coating repaired or re-
placed, refer to Appendix A references for detailed
procedures. Repair/replace encapsulation by
applying a O. 007 inch (minimum) coating of poly -
(12 ) If the wiring harness has sustained dam-
ureathane resin (Scotchcoat 221, Minnesota Mining
age and requires repair or rebuild, refer to figure
and Mfg. Co., or equal).
4-10 for layout, identification, and material require-
ments and Appendix A for detailed soldering and re-
placement procedures.
Prior to coating, deaeratc resin by evac-
d. Assembly. Assemble fault locating indicator
uating at room temperature to between 5
in reverse order of disassembly procedures.
and 10 Hg absolute to remove air bubbles.
Change 2