TM 5-6115-465-34
T0 35C2-3-446-2
NAVFAC P-8-625-S4
TM 06858B/06859D-34
Figure 3-47. Cylinder Head Nut Tightenlng Sequence
(3) Check thrust plate for cracks, breaks,
and excessive wear.
Rotate crankshaft as necessary to lift
valve tappets. Use tapered wooden
dowels or magnets to hold tappets in
topmost position.
(5) Inspect camshaft lobes and bearing
journals for w-ear, scoring, and scratching. Polish
to remove camshaft.
minor nicks, scores, and scratches with crocus
cloth. Clean to remove abrasive residue.
(6) Check camshaft bearing runout as follows:
(a) Place camshaft in a set of vee blocks.
drive gear (4) on arbor press.
(b) Position a dial indicator so that the
foot rides on one of the bearing journals.
(2) Press shaft (5) out of gear and remove
key (6) and thrust plate (7).
(c) Set indicator pointer to the "zero" posit
Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(d) Slowly rotate camshaft one complete
revolution while observtng dial indicator.
(1) Clean all parts in dry cleaning solvent
(Federal Specification P-D-680) and dry thoroughly
with filtered compressed air.
(e) Runout shall not exceed 0.0040 inch
total indicator reading.
(2) Visually inspect drive gear for cracks and
(f) Repeat the check for each bearing
chipped, broken, or worn teeth.
Change 4