TM 5-6115-465-12
TO 35C2-3-446-1
NAVFAC P-8-625-12
TM 06858B/06859D-12
Section X.
(3) Remove cotter pin (8) to disconnect
shutter control linkage.
This section contains organizational maintenance
instructions for the engine cooling system. The
to remove control assembly and gasket (11). Dis -
cooling system consists of a radiator, a belt driven
cooling fan and water pump, a coolant control ther -
card gasket.
motat and a thermostat tally controlled shutter as-
(5) Remove screws (12) to separate thermo-
sembly. The water pump forces coolant through
passages in the engine block and cylinder head
stat housing (13) from linkage (14).
where it absorbs heat generated by engine opera-
tion. When the engine reaches normal operating
(6) Remove gasket (15) and thermostat (16).
temperature, the coolant control thermostat opens
Discard gasket.
and the heated coolant flows through the upper radi -
(7) Do not remove drain cock (17) and adapter
ator hose assembly into the radiator where the heat
bushing (18) unless damage is present and replace-
is disipated. The cooling fan circulates air through
ment is necessary.
the air passages of the radiator where it absorbs
heat from the coolant tubes. The shutter assembly
blocks the flow of cooling air through the radiator
Cleaning and Inspection.
until the engine has reached normal operating tem-
perature. It is equipped with a manual control
(1) Clean shutter control thermostat with an
approved solvent and dry thoroughly.
which may be used in the event that the shutter con-
trol thermostat or linkage fails to function properly.
(2) Inspect thermostat for cracks, corrosion,
and other damage.
(3) Inspect shutter control assembly for
cracks, corrosion, bent manual control lever and
other damage.
remove grille (5).
Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean grille with a mild soap and water
(1) Suspend the thermostat in a container of
solution, rinse with clean water and dry thoroughly.
water so that it is completely immersed but does not
touch the bottom or sides of the container.
(2) Inspect grille for cracks, corrosion,
broken welds, dents, and other damage.
(2) Suspend a reliable thermometer in the
container so that the temperature sensing end is in
the water but not touching the sides or bottom of the
(1) Repair grille by straightening cross mem-
bers and removing minor dents.
(2) Replace grille if damaged beyond simple
Do not overheat as damage to the thermo-
stat may result.
d. Installation. Install grille in reverse order
of removal procedures.
(3) Gradually heat the water while stirring to
distribute the heat evenly.
(4) Observe both the thermometer and the
thermostat. If the thermostat is operating properly,
it should be in opening when the water temperature
reaches 162F (72.2C) and be fully open when the
(1) Drain radiator and disconnect radiator
water temperature reaches 178F (81.1C).
(5) Replace the thermostat if it fails to oper-
drain tube (7).
ate properly.