TM 5-6115-465-12
TO 35C2-3-446-1
NAVFAC P-8-625-12
TM 06858B/06859D-12
Emergency Conversion Connections
(2) Tactical Utility to Tactical Precise.
a. Changeover Procedures. The following
With the manual speed control knob fully in, in-
paragraphs contain procedures for changing the
configuration of a tactical precise generator set
throttle control arm so that the arm is in the
to a tactical utility set, and procedures for re-
approximate position shown in figure 3-7A. Re-
storing the set to a tactical precise configura-
move the shorting plug from the receptacle on
the special relay box. Connect the wiring harness
to the special relay box receptacle. Do not de-
(1) Tactical Precise to Tactical Utility.
tach the shorting plug from the special relay box.
Disconnect the wiring harness from the special
Connect the linkage between the hydraulic actua-
relay box, located on the relay table. Install
tor and the fuel injection pump.
the shorting plug, attached to the special relay
box, into the connector on the special relay box.
Disconnect the linkage between the actuator and
Desired speeds must be obtained by trial
the lockwire. Adjust the manual speed control
and error adjustments of linkage, posi-
and manual throttle control arm so that with
tion of control arm, and governor control
the control knob fully in, the manual throttle
unit adjustments.
control arm is at the low idle setting.
Change 9