T . O . 35C2-3-442-2
T M 5-6115-457-34
set and vary the load as indicated in
performing the start and shutdown proce-
step c.
dures as outlined in the Operator and
Organizational Maintenance Manual. The
c. Record the master instrument read-
ing and the readings of the meters at the
promptly at any ambient temperatures in
following percentages of rated load: 1/4,
the range of +125F to -25F without
2/4, 3/4, 4/4, and 5/4 percent.
external heat.
d, The accuracy of the instruments
a. Operate generator set at rated
should be such that the maximum error
speed, voltage, and no-load for 15 minutes,
will not exceed the following parameters:
then discontinue operation.
1 . V o l t m e t e r - 2-1/2 percent of full
b. Operate generator set at rated
scale except not greater than 5 volts be-
speed, voltage, and no-load for 15 minutes.
tween 115 and 125 volts, not greater than
Discontinue operation by de-energizing the
10 volts between 200 and 250 volts.
c . Repeat start-stop procedures two
additional times. If any malfunction is
noted, make necessary repairs before sub-
3 . Kilowatt meter -2 percent of
full scale.
at any point on scale.
racy by comparing them with master
Perform this test under an arti-
ficially produced condition as follows:
a. Install a test adapter with a gage for
This test shall be done in conjunc-
pressure switch, a valve for shutting off
tion with other tests.
flow to pressure switch, and a valve for
bleeding off pressure. Operate the gener-
a. Adjust the meters to zero as outlined
ator set at rated speed and no load.
in the Operator and Organizational M ainte -
nance Manual.
b. Purge air from system through the
bleed valve. Close valve and record oper-
ating pressure.
This test shall be repeated at all
rated frequencies and at voltages
If unit fails to shut down when oil
of 120/208 and 240/416.
pressure is below 15 3 PSI, the
test should be discontinued and
b . Connect the generator set to
corrective action taken.
a variable load. Operate the generator
10-2 Change 8