T O 35C2-3-442-2
TM 5-6115-457-34
Table 1-2. Special Torque Data (continued)
ENGINE (continued)
96 to 144 inch pounds
Cylinder Head Plug
140 to 160 foot pounds
Cylinder Head Chamber Assemblies
*Cylinder Head Bolts:
170 to 180 foot pounds
Numerical Bolts
27 to 37 foot pounds
Alphabetical Bolts
27 to 33 foot pounds (wet)
Connecting Rod Cap Bolts
90 to 110 foot pounds
Accessory Drive Gear Retaining Nut
27 to 33 foot pounds
Timing Gear Cover Bolts
210 to 250 foot pounds
Crankshaft Pulley Bolt
100 foot pounds
Flywheel Housing Bolts
150 foot pounds
Flywheel Bolts
25 to 35 foot pounds
Water Pump Impeller Nut
60 foot pounds
Oil Pump Gear Retaining Nut
27 to 33 foot pounds (wet)
Main Bearing Cap Bolts
120 inch pounds (with shaft heated to
Turbocharger Wheel Retaining Nut
350F) (when shaft is cooled to less than
150F) 20 inch pounds (wet)
30 to 40 inch pounds
Turbocharger Collar Screws
65 to 75 inch pounds
Hydraulic Pump Elbow Fittings
* S e e figure 8-56 for cylinder head tightening sequence
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