TM 5-6115-376-13
c. Indicator Lights. There are nine lights on
Refer to figure 4-9(1) and 4-9(2) and remove
components as directed. Install power receptacle-
the control panel of the distribution box, and six
connectors, parallel connectors, bus bar and power
lights on the control panel of the portable distri-
leads in reverse order of removal.
bution box: all are the same light bulb and lens,
and are removed and installed as shown in figure
remove toggle switches as directed. Install re-
placement toggle switches in reverse order of
4-19. Synchronizer Assembly
a. Inspection. Inspect condition of circuit
breaker, panels, toggle switches, automatic switch,
4-20. Switchbox (PU-699/M)
electronic synchronizer, bus bar and wiring.
a. Inspection. Inspect condition of circuit
Activate circuit breaker and if action is not
breaker switches, panels, bus bars, connector-
smooth; if "bus bar is corroded, electronic syn-
chronizer inoperative, wiring is burned or bare,
work improperly, or if bus bars are corroded, and
report conditions to direct support maintenance,
wire leads burned or bare, report condition to
b. Indicator Lights, Lens, and Wiring. Remove
direct support maintenance.
and install indicator lens and light bulbs as shown
place a connector-receptacle, remove back panel
c. Power Receptacle Cover and Dust Clamps.
of switchbox, tag and disconnect wire leads and
Refer to figure 48 and remove and install power
remove mounting hardware and cover as shown
receptacle cover and dust cap clamp. (Installation
is the reverse order of removal).
replacement connector-receptacle in reverse order
d. Power Receptacle-Connector, Parallel Re-
of removal.
ceptacle-Connector, Bus Bar, and Power Leads.