TM 9-6115-660-13&PINSTALLATION1. Position accessory box (1, figure 4-19) over mounting holes in trailer.2. Install flat washers (3), machine bolts (2), and self-locking nut (5).3. Return accessories to accessory box.4. Close accessory box cover and secure with clamping catches (4).4-20 FIRE EXTINGUISHER BRACKET MAINTENANCE.This task covers:a. Removalb. InstallationINITIALSETUPToolsEquipmentConditionsTool Kit, General Mechanic’sReference(item 1, appendix B)Trailer handbrakes set, front supportMaterials/Partsleg/landing leg lowered, and rearleveling-support jack lowered; paragraphNuts, Self-locking2-3.2.1.Washers, Lock (item 2, appendix I)NOTEFire extinguisher bracket , and cap screws) differs from that used on other power units,but removal and installation procedures are similar.REMOVAL1. Remove fire extinguisher from bracket.2. Remove four self-locking nuts, flat washers, cap screws, and remove fire extinguisher bracket.INSTALLATION1. Install fire extinguisher bracket, four cap screws, flat washers, and self-locking nuts. Tightenself-locking nuts.3. Place fire extinguisher in bracket.Change 2 4-41
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