TM 96115-60434
Table 5-1. Load Circuit Breaker CB101 Lubrication Chart
Ground surfaces, such as gear teeth,
Wipe dean and apply lubricant
Disassemble, wipe dean, and apply
rollers, and pawls
lubricant MILG18709
Contact surfaces on lift arm (Figure
Wipe dean and apply lubricant
Disassemble, wipe dean, and apply
515), toggle cam (Figure 518), re
lubricant MILG18709
turn spring
connecting block (Figure 522), and
catch (Figure 518)
Gear shaft and drive shaft (Figure
No lubrication required
Disassemble, wipe dean, and apply
lubricant MILG1 8709
Ratchet arm (Figure 517)
No lubrication required
Disassemble, wipe dean, and apply
lubricant MILG1 8709 to all bronze
bushings and all contact surfaces
Contact and pivot points of all
Wipe dean and apply lubricant
Disassemble, wipe dean, and apply
lubricant MILG18709
Drive spring assembly
No lubrication required
Disassemble, wipe dean, and apply
lubricant MILG1 8709 to center shaft
Motor eccentric (Figure 517) and
Wipe dean and apply lubricant
Disassemble, wipe dean, and apply
eccentric roller
MILG18709 to slot in ratchet
lubricant MILG18709
All shafts, sleeves, and bushings
No lubrication required
Disassemble, wipe dean, and apply
lubricant MILG18709
Silver plated primary disconnect (Fig
Wipe dean and apply conduc
Wipe dean and apply a conductive
ure 513) contacts and grounding
tive contact lubricant
contact lubricant
Jacking screw
Wipe dean and apply lubricant
Disassemble, wipe dean, and apply
MILG1 8709
lubricant MILG1 8709
Return Spring Assembly. The return spring assembly (67, Figure 5-19) is equipped with a hydraulic shock
absorber to dampen the action of the return springs. The shock absorber must be adjusted if the return spring assembly
has been disassembled for any reason. To adjust the shock absorber, loosen the setscrews located in the knurled
adjustment knob and rotate the knob so that the indicator arrow on the knob points to the number 3 printed on the
cylinder surrounding the shock absorber shaft. Lock the knurled adjusting knob in place after adjusting by tightening the
setscrews in the knob.
To avoid Injury to personnel, no electrical component will be worked on while energized.
Ensure equipment Is 'tlgged out" In accordance with Chapter 1, Section 1II, of the Operator
and Organizational Maintenance Manual and equipment Is NOT energized. Residual voltage Is
present at the generator leads with the regulator turned off, reaching SEVERAL HUNDRED
VOLTS on the generator set. Proper Insulation and Isolation of metering equipment must be
observed when testing this generator. USE PROPER TEST EQUIPMENT TO CHECK FOR
VOLTAGE before proceeding with work,