TM 5-6115-593-24PNAVFAC P-8-631-24PTO 35C2-3-463-4SECTION I. INTRODUCTION1.Scope.This joint Army, Navy, Air Force andMarine Corps manual lists repair parts and specialtools required for the performance oforganizational, intermediate (field), direct andgeneral support and depot maintenance of thegenerator set. The following paragraphs arekeyed to applicable users. All users should readparagraph 4. Special information, prior to usingthis manual.NOTEArmy) Repair parts listed representthose authorized for use at indicatedmaintenance levels and will berequisitioned on an "as required"basis until stockage is justified bydemand in accordance with AR 710-2.(Army) Organizational Maintenancepersonnel are to extract themaintenance coded "O" items theyrequire from Section II. Column (2).Third and/or Fourth Position of theDirect and General Support RepairParts and Special Tools List.2.General.This Repair Parts and Special ToolsList is divided into the following sections:a.(ALL) Repair Parts - Section II. A list ofrepair parts authorized for the performanceof maintenance at the organizational,intermediate (field), direct support, generalsupport and depot level in figure and itemnumber sequence.b.(ALL) Special Tools, Test and SupportEquipment - Section III. A list of specialtools, test and support equipment authorizedfor the performance of maintenance at theorganizational, intermediate (field), (directsupport and general support) and depot level.c.National Stock Number and ReferenceNumber Index - Section IV. A list of Nationalstock numbers in numerical sequence,followed by a list of reference numbersappearing in all the listings, in alphanumericsequence, cross-referenced to the illustrationfigure number and item number.d.Reference Designator Index - Section V.Includes all assigned reference designatorsarranged in alpha-numeric order crossreferenced to the figure and item number inSection II.3.Explanation of columns. The following providesan explanation of columns in the tabular lists inSections II and III.a.(ALL) Illustrations. (Column 1.) This columnis divided as follows:(1)Figure Number. Indicates the figurenumber of the illustration on which theitem is shown.(2)Item Number. Indicates the numberused to identify the item on theillustration.b.(ALL) Source, Maintenance, andRecoverability Codes (SMR). (Column 2.)Source codes are assigned to support itemsto indicate the manner of acquiring supportitems for maintenance, repair, or overhaul ofend items. Source codes are entered in thefirst and second positions of the uniformSMR Code format.c.(USMC) Special Stockage Indicator Codeand Replacement Factor. (Column 3.) Thiscolumn reflects the condition under whichcertain maintenance parts, (parts assignedNSN's and coded in the "P" series sourcecode of the SMR code), are stocked.d.(ALL) National Stock Number. (Column 4.)Indicates the National Stock Numberassignedto the item and will be used forrequisitioning purposes.1-1
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