CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-5-6115-584-12_35(A, F, MC) ADMINISTRATIVE STORAGESection II. DESCRIPTION AND DATA - TM-5-6115-584-12_37Figure 1-1. Engine Generator Set, Right-Rear, Three-Quarter ViewFigure 1-2. Engine Generator Set, Left-Front, Three-Quarter ViewFigure 1-2.1. Engine Generator Set with Acoustic Suppression KitTABULATED DATA - TM-5-6115-584-12_43SERVICE INSTRUCTIONSEngine - TM-5-6115-584-12_45Batteries - TM-5-6115-584-12_47Figure 1-3. Tie Down, Lifting, and Towing Provisions Crated SetFigure 1-4. Installation PlansFIGURE 1-6 ELECTRICAL CABLE SCHEMATICFigure 1-7. Generator Set Electrical SchematicFigure 1-8. Generator Set Wiring HarnessFigure 1-9. AC Output Control Box Wiring HarnessFigure 1-10. Control Cubicle Wiring HarnessCHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSSTARTING GENERATOR SET TABLE 2-1 GENERATOR SET CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTSTable 2-1. Generator Set Controls and Instruments (Cont)Table 2-2. Reconnection Switch PositionsFigure 2-4. Load Terminal and Reconnection ConfigurationSection II. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS - TM-5-6115-584-12_63CHAPTER 3 OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS Section I. CONSUMABLE OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIESSection III. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)Table 3-2. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont.) - TM-5-6115-584-12_68Table 3-2. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont.) - TM-5-6115-584-12_69Table 3-2. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont.) - TM-5-6115-584-12_70Table 3-3. Troubleshooting (Cont) - TM-5-6115-584-12_71Figure 3-2. Battery AssemblyFUEL TANK ASSEMBLY.Figure 3-4. Fuel TankFigure 3-5. Shutter and Thermo Power Element AssemblyFigure 3-6. Exhaust Muffler AssemblyAC OUTPUT CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLYFigure 3-9. Air Cleaner and Shroud AssemblyFigure 3-10. Air Cleaner AssemblyCONTROL CUBICLE AssemblyFigure 3-12. Control CubicleFigure 3-13. Fuel Filters and Fuel Strainer AssemblyFigure 3-14. Fuel Pump AssemblyFigure 3-16. Speed Control AssemblyFigure 3-17. Engine Cooling AssemblyFigure 3-17. Engine Cooling Assembly CONT.Figure 3-19. Intake Manifold AssemblyFigure 3-22. Engine Stop SolenoidFigure 3-23. Battery and FrameSKID- BASE ASSEMBLYCHAPTER 4 ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCEFigure 4-1. Uncrating Generator SetFigure 4-2. Grounding Generator SetSection II. MOVEMENT TO A NEW WORKSITESection V. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - TM-5-6115-584-12_96TABLE 4-1. ORGANIZATIONAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES--continuedTABLE 4-1. ORGANIZATIONAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES--continuedSection VI. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-5-6115-584-12_100Table 4.2. TroubleshootingTable 4-2. Troubleshooting (Cont) - TM-5-6115-584-12_103Table 4-2. Troubleshooting (Cont) - TM-5-6115-584-12_104Table 4-2. Troubleshooting (Cont) - TM-5-6115-584-12_105Figure 4-3. Primary Radio Interference Suppression Components Figure 4-3. Primary Radio Interference Suppression Components CONT.BracketsFigure 4-4. Shutter AssemblyAdjustments - TM-5-6115-584-12_110Section IX. MAINTENANCE OF FUEL SYSTEM - TM-5-6115-584-12_111Figure 4-7. Fuel Tank AssemblyFigure 4-8. Testing Float Switch - TM-5-6115-584-12_113Figure 4-7. Fuel Tank AssemblyFigure 4-8. Testing Float Switch - TM-5-6115-584-12_115Figure 4-9. Fuel FilterFigure 4-11. Fuel Filters and Fuel Strainer AssemblyELECTRIC FUEL P U M P S . F U E L A N D AUXILIARY SOLENOID VALVEFigure 4-12. Fuel Pump, Fuel Hoses and Solenoid - TM-5-6115-584-12_119Figure 4-14. Adjusting Fuel Shut-Off SolenoidSection X. MAINTENANCE OF ENGINE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMFigure 416. Installing Battery Cables - TM-5-6115-584-12_122ENGINE STARTER ASSEMBLYFigure 418. Engine Starter Installation - TM-5-6115-584-12_124Repair. Style I StarterFigure 4-19. Testing Engine StarterFIGURE 4-20 TESTING FIELD COIL, STYLE II STARTERFigure 421 A. Inspecting Starter Brushes, Style II StarterFigure 4-22 ENGINE STARTER ASSEMBLY, STLYE I STARTERFigure 423. Battery Charging AlternatorBattery Charging Figure 4-24. Testing Battery Charging Regulator/Rectifier AssemblyFigure 4-25. Starter Lockout Switch and Gear AssemblySection XI. 4-29. FUNCTION AND DESCRIPTION The diesel engine has pressure Iubrication to all working parts (see figure 4-27). The oil system includes oil intake cup, gear type oil pump, bypass valve, oil pressure gauge, low oil pressure shutoff, full-flow oil filter, oil coder, and passages to de- liver oil throughout the engine. Oil is held in the oil base, and forced through the oil filter and oil cooler by the pump. Lines leading to the rocker housing, passages through the block to crankshaft and front camshaft bearing, crankshaft passages to connecting rod bearings and connecting rod passages to piston pin bushings complete the oil system network The bypass valve controls oil pressure by allowtng excess oil to flow directly back to the crankcase. 4-30. OIL COOLER a. Inspect (see figure 4-28). On ASK equipped generators, remove ASK cover assembly (para 5-3). Inspect oil cooler (1) for physical damage. Visually check for leaks where oil cooler is connected to oil hoses (figure 4-29). Check that cooler Is securely fastened to mounting plate (2, figure 4-28) and that plate is securely fastened to engine. Inspect all hoses for Figure 4-26. Adjusting Starter Lockout Switch MAINTENANCE OF OIL SYSTEMFigure 4-27. Pressure Oil SystemFigure 4-29. Replacing Oil Cooler HosesFigure 4-30. Oil Filter Assembly - TM-5-6115-584-12_137Figure 4-31. Replacing Oil Pressure Gauge - TM-5-6115-584-12_138DC CONTROL SYSTEMFigure 4-32. Load Terminal Board Assembly - TM-5-6115-584-12_140LOAD TERMINAL BOARD ASSEMBLY - TM-5-6115-584-12_141Figure 4-33. Control Cubicle AssemblyCONTROL CUBICLE ASSEMBLY - TM-5-6115-584-12_143Table 4-4. Voltmeter-Ammeter Range Selector Switch Continuity Check - TM-5-6115-584-12_144Relay AssemblyFigure 4-34. Removing Control Cubicle Support AssemblyFigure 4-35. Control Cubicle Test Set-Up - TM-5-6115-584-12_147Section XIII. MAINTENANCE OF ENGINEFigure 4-36. Engine Assembly Figure 4-36. Engine Assembly CONT.Figure 4-37. Exhaust Muffler and Air Cleaner AssembliesINTAKE MANIFOLD A S SEMBLY.ROCKER ARM COVERSFigure 4-40. Breather AssemblyFigure 4-41. Checking and Adjusting Rocker Arm to Valve ClearanceFigure 4-42. Cylinder Head AssemblyFigure 4-43. Oil Fill TubeFigure 4-44. Engine Mounting AssemblySection XIV. MAINTENANCE OF GENERATOR ASSEMBLY - TM-5-6115-584-12_159Section XV. MAINTENANCE OF SKID-BASEFigure 4-46. Skid-Base AssemblyBattery Frame Bottom and TrayCHAPTER 5 MATERIEL USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH DOD STANDARD GENERATOR SET, 5KW DIESEL ENGINE DRIVEN, MODEL MEP-002ASection II. ACOUSTIC SUPPRESSION KITOPERATING INSTRUCTIONSFigure 5-1. Instruction and Rating PlatesFigure 5-1. Instruction and Rating Plates CONT.Figure 5-1. Instruction and Rating Plates CONT.Figure 5-2. Cover Assembly, Removal and InstallationTOP PANEL ASSEMBLY - TM-5-6115-584-12_171Fiqure 5-3. Top Panel Assembly and Exhaust Plenum, Removal and InstallationRemove seven screwsFigure 5-4. Left Panel Assembly, Removal and InstallationTorque screwsFigure 5-5. Right Panel Assembly, Removal and InstallationInstallation - TM-5-6115-584-12_177Figure 5-6. Rear Panel Assembly, Removal and InstallationEXHAUST PLENUM ASSEMBLY - TM-5-6115-584-12_179Figu re 5-7. Left Support Assembly, Removal and InstallationRIGHT SUPPORT ASSEMBLYFigure 5-8. Right Support Assembly, Removal and InstallationFigure 5-9. Front Panel Assembly, Removal and InstallationSIDE CLOSURE ASSEMBLYFigure 5-10. Side Closure Assembly, Removal and InstallationFigure 5-11. Rear Closure Assembly, Removal and InstallationREAR FLAP ASSEMBLY - TM-5-6115-584-12_187Figure 5-12. Rear Flap Assembly, Removal and InstallationSECTION III. ACOUSTIC SUPPRESSION KIT REPAIRREPLACEMENT OF ASK COMPONENTS - TM-5-6115-584-12_190LATCH REPLACEMENTFigure 5-13. Replacement of ASK Hardware ItemsHINGESAPPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-5-6115-584-12_194APPENDIX B COMPONENTS OF END ITEMS LISTSection II. INTEGRAL COMPONENTS OF END ITEMAPPENDIX C ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LISTAPPENDIX D MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN SECTION III - TM-5-6115-584-12_201SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-6115-584-12_202SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-5-6115-584-12_203SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-5-6115-584-12_204SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-5-6115-584-12_205SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-5-6115-584-12_206SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-5-6115-584-12_207SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-5-6115-584-12_208SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-5-6115-584-12_209SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-5-6115-584-12_210SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-5-6115-584-12_211SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-5-6115-584-12_212SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-5-6115-584-12_213SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-5-6115-584-12_214SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-5-6115-584-12_215SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-5-6115-584-12_216SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-5-6115-584-12_218Section III. TOOLS, TEST AND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS - TM-5-6115-584-12_219ALPHABETICAL INDEX - TM-5-6115-584-12_220ALPHABETICAL INDEX (CONT) - TM-5-6115-584-12_221SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-5-6115-584-12_222Section III. TOOLS, TEST AND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS - TM-5-6115-584-12_223Section IV. EXPIANATION OF REFERENCE CODESALPHABETICAL INDEX - TM-5-6115-584-12_226ALPHABETICAL INDEX (CONT) - TM-5-6115-584-12_227ALPHABETICAL INDEX (CONT) - TM-5-6115-584-12_228ALPHABETICAL INDEX (CONT) - TM-5-6115-584-12_229ALPHABETICAL INDEX (CONT) - TM-5-6115-584-12_230ALPHABETICAL INDEX (CONT) - TM-5-6115-584-12_231