2-1. Tools and Repair Parts, Equipment
There are no special tools or equipment required to
perform intermediate (field) (direct and general
support) and depo t maintenance on generator sets
Models MEP006A, MEP105A and MEP115A. A
listing of recommended tools and support equipment
required to perform the maintenance operations
described in this manual are contained in Table 2-1.
2-2. Direct Support General Support and Depot
Maintenance Repair Parts.
Direct and general support and depot maintenance
repair parts are contained in the technical manual
listed in Appendix A of this manual.
2-4. General.
2-3. Specially Designed (Fabricated) Tools and
A breakout cable is required to trouble-
shoot the electric governor system of MEP -
114A. The breakout cable is used to gain
access to the governor Control Units
MS3106R20-29 connector. Figure 2-0
g i v e s f a b r i c a t i o n i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r t he
breakout cable.
This section provides information useful in
diagnosing and correcting unsatisfactory opera-
tion or failure of the engine generator set and
its components.
Malfunctions which may occur
are listed in table 2-2. Each malfunction stated is
followed by a list of probable causes of the
trouble. The corrective action is described oppo-
site the probable cause.
2-5. Troubleshooting Chart.
Table 2-2 lists generator set troubleshooting mal-
functions, probable causes and corrective action.
2-6. Diagrams.
Wiring, schematic and trouble shooting diagrams for
the generator set are listed in the List of Illustrations
in the Table of Contents. Refer to the Operator and
Organizational Maintenance Manual for diagrams not
located in this manual.
2-7. General Methods Used to Attain Proper
Essentially, suppression is attained by providing a
low resistance path to ground for the stray currents.
The methods used include grounding the frame
with bonding straps, grounding the engine-generator
set, and the use of capacitors.
2-8. Testing of Radio Interference Suppression
Test the capacitors for leaks and shorts on a
capacitor tester: replace defective capacitors. If
test equipment is not available and interference is
indicated, isolate the cause of interference by the
trial and error method of replacing each capacitor
in turn until the cause of interference is located
and eliminated.
2-9. Interference Suppression Components.
a. Primary Suppression Components.
components, RFI capacitors, whose primary pur-
pose is interference suppression are the three
capacitors found on the generator side of CB2, main
line contarctor and the three on the input leads to the
engine-generator sets load bank. Their description,
location and removal are covered in the Operator and
Organizational Maintenance Manual.
Three suggested methods of grounding the engine-
generator set, instrumental in passing RFI induced
currents to ground are illustrated in the Operator
and Organizational Maintenance Manual.
b. Secondary Suppression Components. The
components, RFI capacitors whose secondary pur -
pose is interference suppression are the components
contained within the excitation system assembly.
Testing of the RFI filter A201 is described in para-
graph 8-12 b (3), utilizing figure 1-8 schematic dia-
gram, excitation system assembly. Refer to figure
8-1 for disassembly of the relay table which includes
the excitation system assembly, and figure 8-15 for
the excitation system assembly.
Change 9 2-1