6-1. Scope.
This chapter contains repair instructions for the
main load contactor and current transformer of the
load connection group.
6-2. Load Connection Group Description.
a. The load connection group consists of the main
load contactor, load terminal board assembly, cur-
rent transformer assembly, and reconnection board.
b. The main load contactor connects the main
generator output to the load. The contactor closes
when the load contactor switch (S-3) (refer to Oper-
atar and Organizational Maintenance Manual) is
placed in the on position momentarily.
c. The load terminal board provides a means of
connection to the generator set load. The contactor
connects the generator output to the load through the
load terminal board.
d. The output cables of the generator pass through
the cores of the current transformers. When the
generator is connected to a load, a proportional cur-
rent is induced in the current transformer secondary.
This secondary current is used by the excitation sys-
tem as a current boost during a short circuit and
cross current compensation during parallel operation
The current transformer secondary is also used to
operate the ammeter and wattmeter circuits in the
control panel and it is used in the load measuring unit
e. The reconnection board permits reconnection
of the generator phase windings to give optional out-
put voltages.
Both ends of each coil of each phase
winding run from the generator to a stud on the re-
connection board. A changeover board, with copper
bus bars, is mounted so that the studs contact the
bus bars. The bus bars are so designed that by mov-
ing the changeover board to one of two positions, the
generator phase coils may be connected in series or
parallel for 120/208 volt or 240/416 volt operation
f. Refer to the Operator and Organizational Main-
tenanance Manual for maintenance instruction proced-
ures covering the load terminal board and reconnec-
tion board.
6-3. Removal and Disassembly.
a. Removal. Refer to Operator and Organization-
al Maintenance Manual and remove the main load con-
b. Disassembly.
See figure 6-1 or figure 6-1 D
(used on Serial Numbers FZ-01639 on, for 50/60 Hz
and Serial Numbers FZ-06463 on, for 400 Hz) and
disassemble the main load contactor as illustrated.
6-4. Cleaning, Inspection, and Testing.
a. Cleaning.
Clean all components with cloth
dampened in cleaning solvent, Federal Specification
b. Inspection.
Refer to Operator and Organiza-
tional Maintenance Manual.
c. Testing. Refer to Operator and Organizational
Maintenance Manual.
6-5. Repair.
a. Replace contactor actuator coil if defective.
b. Replace contacts in contactor if badly pitted or
burned. When one contact is damaged, all contacts
must be replaced.
c. Repair damaged threads with a die or by filing
with a fine mill file.
6-6. Reassembly and Installation.
See figure 6-1 and reassemble
the-main load contactor observing the following:
(1) After assembly of the operator assembly
(23) refer to figure 6-1A and perform the
following adjustment procedures:
Change 3 6-1