NAVFAC P-8-625-34
T . O . 35C2-3-446-2
TM 06858B/06859D-34
(13) Remove screws (34) and lockwashers
e. Installation. Install hydraulic system filter
in reverse order of removal procedures.
(35) to remove electrical connector (36) and gasket
(37). Discard gasket.
(14) Remove screws (38) and lockwashers
(39) to remove cover (40) and gasket (41). Discard
(1) Refer to the Operator and Organizational
Maintenance Manual and drain the hydraulic tank.
(15) Remove screws (42) and lockwashers
(43) to remove armature core (44) from valve block
(2) Disconnect electrical connectors (1 and 2,
(16) Remove valve needles (46), top orifices
(47), o-rings (48), valves (49), spacers (50), bottom
(3) Remove nut (5) and bolt (6).
orifices (51) and o-rings (52). Discard o-rings.
(4) Do not remove nut (7), bolt (8), rod ends
(9), locknut (10), and threaded rod(n) unless in-
spection reveals damage.
to remove adapters (55) with attached parts and pin
springs (56).
remove actuator unit (14).
(18) Remove screws (57), lockwashers (58),
and nuts (59) to remove mounting plates (60).
(19) Remove screws (61), lockwashers (62),
and nuts (63) to remove' armature (64). Remove lock-
nuts (65) and setscrews (66) from armature.
Test hydraulic actuator unit in accordance
with sub-paragraph f. below prior to dis-
to remove coils (69).
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(2), and o-ring (3).
(1) Clean all non-electrical parts in dry clean-
(2) Remove elbow (4), adapter (5), filter as-
ing solvent (Federal Specification P-D-680) and dry
sembly (6), and o-ring (7).
thoroughly with filtered compressed air.
(3) Remove screw (8) and lockwasher (9).
(2) Clean all electrical parts with a clean,
lint-free cloth lightly moistened with an approved
(4) Loosen setscrew (10) and remove link (11).
(5) Remove transducer slug (12),
(3) Visually inspect collars, piston, and bore
in valve block for nicks, burrs, scores, and other
(6) Remove retaining ring (13), washer (14),
o-ring (15), collar (16), and quad-ring collar (17).
Discard o-rings.
(4) Insert piston into valve block bore to as-
certain that it moves freely.
(7) Remove clevis (18), retaining ring (19),
washer (20), o-ring (21), collar (22) and quad-ring
(5) Inspect transducer slug and bore of trans-
collar (23). Discard o-ring.
ducer for nicks, burrs, scratches, and other damage.
Remove minor nicks and burrs from transducer slug
(8) Remove piston (24).
with crocus cloth.
(9) Remove setscrew (25), screw (26), and
(6) Inspect transducer for burns, discoloration
lockwasher (27) to remove electrical connector (28)
and other indications of electrical malfunction. Check
and split spacer (29).
(10) Remove transducer (30).
(7) Inspect electrical connectors for cracks,
bent or broken pins, and other damage.
(11) Do not remove roll pin (31) unless dam-
age is present.
(8) Inspect armature cores for cracks, corro-
sion, and burns or other indications of electrical
(12) Remove plugs (32) and o-rings (33). Dis-
malfunction. Check continuity of cores using figure
card o-rings.