TM 5-6115-465-12
TO 35C2-3-446-1
NAVFAC P-8-625-12
TM 06858B/06859D-12
and instruments for operating the
Kit: Provides noise suppression to
lower sound to 70 dB(A) at 7 meters
control panel is grounded to
protect the operator from
electrical shock in the event of a
b. Engine. Power source of the
short in the equipment. The
generator section of the control
four cycle, fuel injected, liquid
panel contains meters for
cooled diesel engine. The engine
monitoring generator output,
electrical system contains a
adjusting knobs for increasing and
cranking motor, two 12 volt
batteries in series, and a battery
and voltage, and a circuit breaker
switch for interrupting all output
rectifier and voltage regulator.
from the generator set. Also
The engine is also equipped with a
included on the generator control
fuel filter and strainer assembly,
panel are an operations switch and
a secondary fuel filter, a
synchronizing lights for operating
lubricating oil filter, and an air
the set as a single unit or in
cleaner. Cooling water is
parallel with other units. The
circulated through the engine by a
engine section of the control panel
water pump. Safety devices
contains switches for priming,
automatically stop the engine
starting, and stopping the engine
during conditions of high coolant
and meters for monitoring set fuel
temperature, low oil pressure, no
level, oil pressure, and coolant
fuel, over-speed, or over-voltage.
temperature. Also included is an
c. Generators.
The alternating
current generators are single
bearing, drip-proof, synchronous,
e. Electric/Electro-Hydraulic
brushless, three phase, fan cooled
Governing System (Precise Sets
generators. Rated voltages are
only). The governing system senses
maintained by excitation of the
the speed and load electrically and
generator-exciter field by a static
provides the controls and load
responses necessary for effective
The cooling fan, located at the
single unit or parallel operation.
front of the generator, impels
The system consists of a rheostat
cooling air which enters the
for frequency adjustment, a load
measuring unit for sensing load
windings. Safety devices are
changes, and governor control unit
provided to protect the generator
which signals the actuator for
in the event of short circuit,
rapid governor response. The
overload, under-voltage,
MEP-104A Electro-Hydraulic System
has a hydraulic actuator, a
hydraulic pump and a hydraulic
sump. The MEP-114A sets use an
d. Control Cubicle. The
Electric-Magnetic Actuator.
located at the rear top of the
Change 13