T.O. 35 C2-3-442-2
TM 5-6115-457-34
b. Inspect switch, indicator light, and
ble control box in the reverse order of
c. Inspect terminal lugs for security
and c onditi on.
attention to the following:
d. Inspect components for dents,
a. When installing switch (25), insert
c r a c k s , and distortion.
tab of tab washer (24) into hole of plate (2).
cator light (15), and lens (11).
c. Install connectors (5 and 8) with key
located on the top.
d. Attach cover (10) to frame (26).
winterization kit and wiring dia-
gram contained in Operator and
e. Connect wiring and check for proper
Organizational Maintenance
a. Repair or replace defective control
Refer to Operator and Organi za-
tional Maintenance Manual and install con-
b. Repair dents and distortion using
proper tools.
trol box.
Section II. HEATER
and ignite the fuel. The flame switch con-
The heater is a fuel burning type
trols the electrical supply to the igniter,
designed to pre-heat the engine for starting
blower motor and indicator lamp; its opera-
at low temperatures down to -65F by cir-
tion is determined by temperature. Recir-
culating heated coolant through the engine.
culation of heated coolant is provided by
The heater consists of a blower motor,
the coolant pump at a rate of 80 to 100 GPH.
fuel regulator valve, limit switch, igniter,
Coolant is circulated around the heater
flame switch, and a coolant pump. The
blower motor and fan assembly provides
then is circulated through the engine.
driving the coolant pump. The fuel regu-
11-10. REMOVAL.
lator valve permits the fuel to be turned on
and off; it also regulates the fuel flow to
Refer to Operator and Organizational
Maintenance Manual and remove heater.
the burner. The igniter, which is a high