Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-5-6115-400-350006Table 1. Engine Repair and Replacement StandardsTable 1. Engine Repair and Replacement Standards-Continued - TM-5-6115-400-350008Table 1. Engine Repair and Replacement Standards-Continued - TM-5-6115-400-350009Table 1. Engine Repair and Replacement Standards-Continued - TM-5-6115-400-350010Table 1. Engine Repair and Replacement Standards-Continued - TM-5-6115-400-350011Table 1. Engine Repair and Replacement Standards-Continued - TM-5-6115-400-350012Table 1. Engine Repair and Replacement Standards-Continued - TM-5-6115-400-350013Table 1. Engine Repair and Replacement Standards-Continued - TM-5-6115-400-350014Chapter 2. GENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-6115-400-350015Section II. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-5-6115-400-350016Section III. RADIO INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSIONSection IV. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF MAJOR COMPONENTSFigure 3 (1) . Housing, doors, hood, and panels.Figure 3 (1) . Housing, doors, hood, and panels. (cont) - TM-5-6115-400-350020Figure 3 (1) . Housing, doors, hood, and panels. (cont) - TM-5-6115-400-350021Main GeneratorFigure 4. Engine removal and installation.Installation - TM-5-6115-400-350024Figure 5. Main generator removal and installation.Chapter 3. ENGINE REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-6115-400-350026Figure 7. Lock torque testAssembly of End Bell and Brush Holder PlateFigure 8. Electric starter.Figure 8. Electric starter. (cont)Generator - Battery ChargingFigure 10. Battery charging generator.Generator RegulatorRegulator Checks and AdjustmentsCurrent Regulator.Figure 13. Wiring for generator regulator checks.Fuel Injection Pump - TM-5-6115-400-350037Figure 14. Fuel injection pump-cut-away view.Disassembly. - TM-5-6115-400-350039Cleaning. - TM-5-6115-400-350040Figure 15. Fuel injection pump-exploded view.Figure 15. Fuel injection pump-exploded view. (cont)Figure 16. Alining plunger and control sleeve assembly marks.Internal Timing of the Fuel Injection Pump.Figure 17. Remaining (or installing) temporary tappet retaining pins.Figure 18. Fuel injection pump torque valves.Figure 19. Fuel injection pump timing marks for internal timingCalibrating the Fuel Injection Pump.Mechanical GovernorCleaning, Inspection and Repair.Figure 20. Mechanical governor-exploded view.Figure 20. Mechanical governor-exploded view. (cont)Reassembly of Governor.Figure 21. Measuring inner springWater PumpReassembly. - TM-5-6115-400-350056Figure 23. Water pump.Figure 24. Pulling impeller from pump shaft.Figure 25. Water pump disassembly using service tools.Figure 26. Water pump - sectional view.Figure 27. Water pump reassembly.Fan HubTurbocharger - TM-5-6115-400-350063Figure 29. Turbocharger - sectional view.Figure 30. Checking turbine shaft radial movement.Replacement Center Housing and Rotating AssemblyFigure 32. Turbocharger (exploded view).Figure 33. Turbocharger disassembly.Cleaning. - TM-5-6115-400-350069Figure 34. Center housing - sectional view.Center Housing AssemblyTurbocharger Reassembly.Figure 36. Turbine and shaft positioned in holding fixtureFigure 37 (1). Turbocharger reassembly.Figure 37 (1). Turbocharger reassembly. (cont)Section II. ENGINE COMPONENTSFigure 38. Cylinder head assembly details.Figure 40. Cylinder head guide studs.Figure 41. Cylinder head capscrew locations.Figure 42. Cylinder head capscrew torque sequence.Figure 43. Fuel injection nozzle holder assembly.Figure 44. Adjusting popping pressure.Nozzle Valve Body and Valve Disassembly, Cleaning, and AssemblyFigure 47. Lapping fuel injection nozzle valve bodyFuel Injection Nozzle Holder SleevesFigure 48. Fuel injection nozzle holder sleves.Figure 49. Rocker arms, shafts, and brackets.Push Rods and Valve LiftersFigure 51. Rocker arm assembly.Figure 52. Removing valve lifter from bracket.Valve Springs and Rotators.Valves and Valve Guides.Figure 57. Installing exhaust valve guide.Valve Seat Inserts.Valve Face and Valve Seat Grinding.Figure 62. Interference angle.Accessory DriveFigure 63. Accessory drive.Figure 64. Accessory drive removal.Figure 65. Accessory drive-exploded view.Figure 66. Installing auxiliary gear and shaft in housing.Crankshaft Pulley and DamperFigure 67. Accessory drive installation.Figure 68. Crankshaft pulley and vibration dampers.Timing Gear Housing Cover.Crankshaft Front Oil Seal.Gear Train and Timing Gear HousingOil PanFigure 75. Oil pans and level gage.Oil Pump - TM-5-6115-400-350110Figure 76. Oil pump and tubing.Figure 77. Oil pump-exploded view.Figure 78. Checking radial clearance between gear teeth and pump body.Piston Cooling Oil JetsFlywheel and Ring GearFigure 80. Flywheel and housing.Flywheel HousingCamshaft - TM-5-6115-400-350118Camshaft BearingsFigure 87. Installation of camshaft gear.Figure 88. Checking camshaft bearing clearance.Figure 89. Removing and installing camshaft front bearing.Figure 90. Sequence for removing and installing bearing.Figure 91. Piston and connecting rod.Figure 92. Removing pin from piston.Fitting pistons to cylinder sleeves.Figure 93. Intake valve recess in top of piston.Connecting Rods and Connecting Rod Bearings.Main Bearing CapsMain BearingsMain Bearing Installation.Figure 95. Removing main bearing upper shells.Crankshaft and Crankshaft GearFigure 96. Crankshaft and main bearings.Figure 97. Main bearing caps locations.Cylinder BlockCylinder SleevesFigure 99. Checking cylinder sleeve for roundness.Figure 101. Removing cylinder sleeve-top view.Figure 103. Measuring out-of-8quare relationship of cylinder sleeve counterbore.Figure 105. Measuring cylinder sleeve flange height (standout) block.Figure 106. Cylinder sleeve.Assembly of Tool.Adjusting and Operating Tool.Adjusting and Operating Tool. (cont)Chapter 4. MAIN GENERATOR AND AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT REPAIR INSTRUCTIONSWinding Resistance MeasurementsFigure 114. Voltage regulator.Figure 115. Excitor and rectifier.Bearing LubricationFigure 116. Main generator-exploded view.Section II. STATIC EXCITER AND VOLTAGE REGULATORFigure 118. Voltage regulator and excitation unit-block diagramFigure 119. Static exciter and voltage regulator.Figure 120. Simplified schematic diagram of static exciter.Figure 121. Static exciter-exploded view.Figure 122. Exciter with voltage regulator removedVoltage RegulatorFigure 124. Simplified schematic diagram of voltage regulator.Figure 125. CCCT, CT1, and CT3 transformerBench testing.Figure 126. Voltage regulator.Cleaning and Inspection - TM-5-6115-400-350163Figure 127 (1). Relay box.Figure 127 (1). Relay box. (cont)Table 5. Specification for Under Voltage RelayFigure 129. Relay brat-exploded viesFigure 129. Relay brat-exploded vies (cont)Section IV. CONTROL PANELFrequency Meter and TransducerFigure 130. Control pane! and cubicle contents.Figure 131. AC power circuit breaker.Section V. ELECTRIC GOVERNORLoad Measurement UnitFigure 134. Electric governor hydraulic actuator.Hydraulic SystemFigure 135. KFAR adjust and KW adjust.Isochronous Operation.Section VI. OVERSPEED GOVERNORFigure 136. Overspeed governor.Figure 157. Overspeed governor-exploded view.Appendix I. REFERENCESWiring Diagram LegendFigure 128. Wiring diagram-interconnecting wiring harnessTM-5-6115-400-35 Generator Set Diesel Engine Driven 200 KW 60 Cycle AC 120/208V 240/416V 3 Phase Convertible to 167Kw 50 Cycle 120/208V 240/416 V Manual